BIRDS - Fresh from Ecuador
Here are some photos from the trip to Ecuador along the Magic Birding Circuit.
(February 1 - 15, 2015)
Itinerary at the bottom...

Birding in the jungle is quite a challenge and although we studied for 1½ years, trying to remember 800 different birds that we haven't seen before is impossible.  Fortunately we had a couple exceptional local guides for different phases of the trip, Luis Alcivar and Julio Ayala.  Of our 302 new bird species, we had good looks at many of them and quick looks at others.  All in all, a wonderfully intense birding trip.  As with seeing the birds, I was able to get good photos of several and fuzzy shots of others.  I've put the useable ones (about 140 species) below as proof that we saw them.  And besides the birds, the country is like a giant terrarium.  Plants that we buy in stores growing wild all over.  And with different colored butterflies everywhere.  Maybe next time we can extend further into the Amazon and make a pass through the coastal areas. 
Here's the trip, more or less in line...

Trip via American Airlines - Sacramento to LA (1.3hrs) to Miami (4.8) to Quito (4.5)  

Birding trip covered Northern Ecuador in the Andes and on both sides



Coming in to Quito Airport - Northern Quito


Quito Airport
San Jorge Quito entrance & patio (both pictures compliments of Matthew & Patty)


 View from San Jorge Quito room


Great Thrush - the first thing we hear in the AM, before the rooster & dogs.


Sword-billed Hummingbird


Sparkling Violetear (the one on the right seems to have albinated wings)

Azara's Spinetail   Flame-rumped Tanager (Lemon-rumped) without a tail
Streak-throated Bush Tyrant   White-throated Tyrannulet
Rufous-collared Sparrow   Supercillaried Hemispingus


Golden-bellied Grosbeak (Southern Yellow Grosbeak)   Crimson-mantled Woodpecker


Road to Yanacocha


Red-crested Cotinga


Black-chested Buzzard Eagle


Mountain Velvetbreast   Speckled Hummingbird


Someone's "weekend home" - invited us to see their Hummer feeders.  Very nice people, very nice place.


Fawn-breasted Brilliant
(notice that the hummingbirds aren't always called "Hummingbirds")
  Purple-chinned Whitetip
Eared Dove   Bromeliad Tree


Hooded Mountain Tanager


Cinerous Conebill

Black-tailed Trainbearer (f)   Black-chinned Mountain Tanager


Rusty Flowerpiercer (pierces base of flowers to get nectar)


Red-billed Parrot


White-backed Dipper (hunts insects under water)


Tropical Mockingbird (had typical Mockingbird behavior)


Spotted Woodcreeper


Squirrel Cuckoo


Smooth-billed Ani


Oirbird (visited cave with about 15 roosting for the day - these are nocturnal)


Black Vulture (Zopilote)


Swallow-tailed Kite


Andean Emerald


Common Tody Flycatcher


Cock-of-the Rock lek (gathering to compete for the hidden female)


Plate-billed Mountain Toucan


Black-capped Tanager


Streak-capped Treehunter


Booted Rackettail


Booted Rackettail (f)


White-necked Jacobin


White-winged Brush Finch


Golden-naped Tanager


Blue-grey Tanager


Rufous-tailed Hummingbird


Golden-rumped Euphonia


Yellow-breasted Brush Finch


Purple-collared Woodstar


 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Booted Rackettail, White-necked Jacobin


Golden Tanager


White-throated Quail Dove

White-winged Tanager  

Luis Alcivar - Flickr & Facebook

Tandayapa restaurant - breakfast is ready    
Hummer feeders & Tanager feeders in the nearby trees
Could spend a week here

Tandayapa Restaurant & feeders (Judy, Luis, Monique, Dale, Bruce)
Judy and Bruce are married with Bruce celebrating his 83rd B-day while at Milpe
Dale is Bruce's son and a sharp birder /


Squirrel (!) in Tandayapa


Purple-bibbed Whitetip


Roadside Hawk


Blue-winged Mountain Tanager


Thick-billed Euphonia


Rufous Motmot


Immaculate Antbird


Tandayapa Lodge


Tandayapa room


Deck in front of room




Tandayapa valley

Slate-throated Whitestart   Slate-throated Whitestart


Crested Quetzal


Green-and-black Fruiteater


Bromeliads everywhere


Blue-winged Mountain Tanager


Beryl-spangled Tanager (in the above tree)



On the road in Mindo area

House under construction with fabulous feeders (friend of Luis)


Velvet-purple Coronet


Crimson-mantled Woodpecker


Western Emerald


Buff-tailed Coronet

Crowned Woodnymph   Smoky Bush-Tyrant

Green-crowned Brilliant

  Green-crowned Brilliant (f)


Milpe jungle hike (Alejandro & Luis)


Green-crowned Brilliant


Milpe jungle hike


Milpe jungle hike - we crossed about 10 streams and climbed some steep hills - through the dense jungle.  I loved it !!


Jen, Monique, Ryan and Dale in background
(Ryan & Jen are from Rhode Island and very sharp birders)
  It rained about 4" the previous night


Milpe jungle hike - at the upper Station


White-whiskered Hermit (imm)


Green Thorntail


Purple-bibbed Whitetip


Orange-billed Sparrow


Rufous-bellied Wood Quail





Milpe entrance    
Room at Milpe
Milpe Restaurant   Milpe Tower

Agouti (large rodent) at Milpe


Green Thorntail


Golden-winged Manakin


Collared Trogon (f)


Collared Trogon (m)

Tayra - weasel family.  Ran into a small den.

Smoke-colored Pewee


Eastern Wood Pewee


Barred Hawk

  Yellow-bellied Seedeater

White-sided Flowerpiercer


Squirrel Cuckoo


Golden-crowned Flycatcher


Sooty-headed Tyrannulet


Blackburnian Warbler


Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (before 7 AM displaying for a hiden female)
Got up at 3:30 AM and traveled 1.5 hrs to get this close to a lek


Angel Paz house.  Served us breakfast in their outside restaurant.


Refugio la Paz (Angel Paz calling out the Antpitta below. He feeds it worms when it comes out)


Ochre-breasted Antpitta (along the bank of the above stream)


Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (higher in the mountains - called out the same way by Angel's son)


Milpe Tower


Woolly opossum at Milpe


Lineated Woodpecker


Ringed Kingfisher


Yellow-tailed Oriole


Masked Tityra


Violet-bellied Hummingbird


Wedge-billed Woodcreeper


Squirrel Cuckoo


Blue-necked Tanagers


Variable Seedeater


Golden-olive Woodpecker


Boat-billed Flycatcher


Blue-black Grassquit


Hook-billed Kite


Black-cheeked Woodpecker and baby in hole


Ruddy Pigeon


Scarlet-rumped Cacique


Purple-throated Fruitcrow


Striped Cuckoo


Grey-browed Brush Finch (Stripe-headed)


Tyrian Metaltail

  Blue and Yellow Tanager

Shining Sunbeam


Fuzzy, but showing iridescences on back

Quito to Antisana

Giant Hummingbird - Body length and wingspan about 8.5" - see the sparrow ->


Rufous-collared Sparrow (ruffled up)
-->  This sparrow is about 7" in length; same size as our White-crown Sparrows

Andean Hillstar

Plumbeous Sierra Finch


Paramo Ground Tyrant


Stout-billed Cinclodes


Chestnut-winged Cinclodes


Andean Lapwing


Andean Gull


Andean Ibis
Carunculated Caracara

Andean Condor Birding at 12,000' (pic from M&P)

Antisana Paramo - and La Mica Lake


Return trip to Quito

Return trip to Quito





Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe at 13,600 ft above Papallacta pass (in the clouds - cold, windy and damp, but not below freezing)

Papallacta area (below the clouds)

Pale-napped Brush Finch


Brown-backed Chat Tyrant


Viridian Metaltail


Spectacled Whitestart

Matthew, Patty & Mo at the Masked Trogon bridge (Matthew and Patty are from Sonoma on a 30 day tour of Ecuador)
Masked Trogon (f)   Masked Trogon (m)
Hiking Papallacta area

Torrent Ducks (male on left, female on right) Matthew & Patty at the duck bridge

Emerald Toucanet


Many-banded Aracari


Amazonian Umbrellabird (imm)

Hollin restaurant stop - very birdie (pic from T&P)  

We struck out with the Cerulean, but the sign was encouraging


Dusky-headed Parakeet


Flowers everywhere !


Golden-tailed Sapphire


98 Butterfly


Many-spotted Hummingbird


Waterfalls in Sumaco area


Long-tailed Tyrant


Swallow Tanager

Magpie Tanager   Mountain Cacique

Russet-backed Oropendolas   Oropendola nests
Paradise Tanager

Streaked Xenops


Green-and-yellow Tanager


Yellow-tufted Woodpecker


Silver-beaked Tanager (f)


Blue-headed Trogon


Fresh Bananas


Sumaco area (Amazon jungle)
Sumaco area

On the way back to Borja


Julio Ayala


On the way back to Borja


Borja at night


Happy Mo - our biggest day birding (38 new ones)


Palm Tanager


Roadside Hawk


Cinnamon Flycatcher


Flame-faced Tanager

Bed & Breakfast in Baeza - $25 a night with killer views

Masked Flowerpiercer


Yellow-browed Sparrow

Cosanga area
Southern Lapwing
Inca Jay (not a Green Jay!)

Band-tailed Pigeons (different species from US Band-tails)


Work horse

Tourmaline Sunangel   Tourmaline Sunangel (f)
Collared Inca
Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Buff-tailed Coronet


Tiny Orchids


The two birds on the left - Long-tailed Sylph & White-bellied Woodstar - are sharing the same feeder hole because the Woodstar's beak is too short to reach the sugar water.  She's feeding from the splash of the other bird.


Masked Flowerpiercer stealing sugar water


Spectacled Whitestart

Chestnut-breasted Coronet again - because it's so pretty!
Guango Lodge area - there were Hummer feeders all over.  This was a good shelter from the rain, which didn't slow down the action.
New highway over the Papallacta pass .  Much of the road is still two lane or turns into dirt, but soon it will be like I-80 over the Sierra - only this pass is 13,100'
Back to the Airport at 5 AM - and then...   take off.
The cloud layer from the ground was thick, but it cleared to the north.
    Adios, Ecuador! Ha sido un placer.

Since this was our 40th anniversary trip, we went first class.  And on the return from Quito, the first class seats of this 757 were deluxe(!).
The best flight we ever had.

You can see the casing that surrounds the back of each seat
so the people behind don't get disturbed.

The movie screen is interactive, including a 3-D map of the flight position.

But there's more!  The seat has adjustment buttons.
Leg rest; back and seat all adjusted.

But there's more!  A preset button for sleep mode...
we never slept so well on a flight.

Panama (southern) Parque Nacional Cerra Hoya
Cuba (southern) Parque Nacional Cienaga de Zapata
Cuba (northern) -the town of Matanzas
Key West
Florida Everglades
A one road town in the Everglades   The effect of the canal - split the Everglades causing one side to dry up.
Miami in sight   Key Biscayne
Metropolitan Miami and Miami Beach
Compared to Ecuador, very flat... and no clouds!
Back in the land of the Hilton - although there are birds here we've never seen...!
But for now, remember Ecuador with hopes of returning.



Quito (Feb 1st - 2) - Jerusalem Parque - Yanacocha
Tandyapa (Feb 3-5) - Oilbirds - Night walk
Milpe (Feb 6-8) - Refugio Paz - Rio Silanche
Quito (Feb 9-11) - Antisana - Papallacta - Cujuca
Borja (Feb 12-13) - Cosanga - Yanayacu - Rio Ollin
Quito (Feb 14) - return (15th)

Magic Birding Flickr - Facebook - Magic Birding Web
Our Flickr - Flickr Slide Show

Here's the list of birds we saw:

EC Life Common Name
1 505 Eared Dove
2 506 Great Thrush
3 507 Sparkling Violetear
4 508 Tyrian Metaltail
5 509 Sword-billed Hummingbird
6 510 Purple-collared Woodstar
7 511 White-bellied Woodstar
8 512 Pearled Treerunner
9 513 Tufted Tit Tyrant
10 514 Red-crested Cotinga
11 515 Blackburnian Warbler
12 516 Eyebrowed Hemispingus
13 517 Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager
14 518 Cinereous Conebill
15 519 Black Flowerpiercer
16 520 Streaked Saltator
17 521 Gray-browed Brush Finch
18 522 Black-striped Sparrow
19 523 Rufous-collared Sparrow
20 524 Golden Grosbeak
21 525 Broad-winged Hawk
22 526 Black-tailed Trainbearer
23 527 Shining Sunbeam
24 528 Andean Emerald
25 529 Crimson-mantled Woodpecker
26 530 Tawny Antpitta
27 531 Blackish Tapaculo
28 532 White-crested Elaenia
29 533 Sedge Wren
30 534 Scrub Tanager
31 535 Plain Seedeater
32 536 Hooded Siskin
33 537 Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
34 538 Sapphire-vented Puffleg
35 539 Great Sapphirewing
36 540 Western Emerald
37 541 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
38 542 White-throated Tyrannulet
39 543 Smoke-colored Pewee
40 544 Smoky Bush Tyrant
41 545 Brown-backed Chat Tyrant
42 546 Blue-and-white Swallow
43 547 Black-chested Mountain Tanager
44 548 Blue-winged Mountain Tanager
45 549 Buff-winged Starfrontlet
46 550 Black-and-white Seedeater
47 551 Squirrel Cuckoo
48 552 Chestnut-collared Swift
49 553 White-collared Swift
50 554 Speckled Hummingbird
51 555 Collared Inca
52 556 Mountain Velvetbreast
53 557 Green-crowned Brilliant
54 558 Masked Trogon
55 559 Red-billed Parrot
56 560 Montane Woodcreeper
57 561 Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner
58 562 Golden-crowned Flycatcher
59 563 Brown-bellied Swallow
60 564 White-capped Dipper
61 565 Tropical Mockingbird
62 566 Flame-rumped Tanager
63 567 Hooded Mountain Tanager
64 568 Blue-and-yellow Tanager
65 569 Golden-naped Tanager
66 570 Metallic-green Tanager
67 571 Golden Tanager
68 572 White-sided Flowerpiercer
69 573 Rusty Flowerpiercer
70 574 Masked Flowerpiercer
71 575 Black-winged Saltator
72 576 Chestnut-capped Brush Finch
73 577 Orange-crowned Euphonia
74 578 Violet-tailed Sylph
75 579 Buff-tailed Coronet
76 580 Booted Racket-tail
77 581 Purple-bibbed Whitetip
78 582 Fawn-breasted Brilliant
79 583 Purple-throated Woodstar
80 584 Azara's Spinetail
81 585 White-lined Tanager
82 586 Blue-gray Tanager
83 587 Swallow-tailed Kite
84 588 Smooth-billed Ani
85 589 Choco Toucan
86 590 Pale-legged Hornero
87 591 Slaty Spinetail
88 592 Common Tody Flycatcher
89 593 Thick-billed Seed Finch
90 594 Scrub Blackbird
91 595 Short-tailed Hawk
92 596 Oilbird
93 597 Southern Rough-winged Swallow
94 598 Golden-olive Woodpecker
95 599 Social Flycatcher
96 600 Purple-crowned Fairy
97 601 Yellow-bellied Seedeater
98 602 Striped Cuckoo
99 603 Golden-headed Quetzal
100 604 Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
101 605 Andean Cock-of-the-rock
102 606 Beautiful Jay
103 607 Blue-necked Tanager
104 608 Bay-headed Tanager
105 609 Barred Hawk
106 610 Roadside Hawk
107 611 White-throated Quail Dove
108 612 Gray-rumped Swift
109 613 White-necked Jacobin
110 614 Tawny-bellied Hermit
111 615 Wedge-billed Hummingbird
112 616 Velvet-purple Coronet
113 617 Crowned Woodnymph
114 618 Rufous Motmot
115 619 Red-headed Barbet
116 620 Crimson-rumped Toucanet
117 621 Zeledon's Antbird
118 622 Scaled Antpitta
119 623 Ochre-breasted Antpitta
120 624 Rufous-breasted Ant-thrush
121 625 Streak-capped Treehunter
122 626 Scaled Fruiteater
123 627 Masked Tityra
124 628 Gray-breasted Wood Wren
125 629 Three-striped Warbler
126 630 Russet-crowned Warbler
127 631 Canada Warbler
128 632 Slaty-throated Whitestart
129 633 Palm Tanager
130 634 Blue-capped Tanager
131 635 Black-capped Tanager
132 636 Tricolored Brush Finch
133 637 White-winged Brush Finch
134 638 White-winged Tanager
135 639 Thick-billed Euphonia
136 640 Golden-rumped Euphonia
137 641 Orange-bellied Euphonia
138 642 Rufous-fronted Wood Quail
139 643 Ruddy Pigeon
140 644 White-whiskered Hermit
141 645 Brown Violetear
142 646 Gorgeted Sunangel
143 647 Capped Conebill
144 648 Brown Inca
145 649 Empress Brilliant
146 650 Collared Trogon
147 651 White-whiskered Puffbird
148 652 Toucan Barbet
149 653 Bronze-winged Parrot
150 654 Cinnamon Flycatcher
151 655 Plain-breasted Hawk
152 656 Green-and-black Fruiteater
153 657 Golden-winged Manakin
154 658 Scaly-breasted Wren
155 659 Mountain Wren
156 660 Bay Wren
157 661 Ecuadorean Thrush
158 662 Glossy-black Thrush
159 663 Beryl-spangled Tanager
160 664 Flame-faced Tanager
161 665 Green Thorntail
162 666 Orange-billed Sparrow
163 667 Gray-headed Kite
164 668 Plumbeous Hawk
165 669 Black-mandibled Toucan
166 670 Rose-faced Parrot
167 671 Maroon-tailed Parakeet
168 672 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper
169 673 Spotted Woodcreeper
170 674 Plain Xenops
171 675 Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner
172 676 Red-faced Spinetail
173 677 Ornate Flycatcher
174 678 Tawny-breasted Flycatcher
175 679 Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher
176 680 White-thighed Swallow
177 681 Pale-vented Thrush
178 682 Olive-crowned Yellowthroat
179 683 Tropical Parula
180 684 Golden-bellied Warbler
181 685 Rufous-throated Tanager
182 686 Silver-throated Tanager
183 687 Purple Honeycreeper
184 688 Green Honeycreeper
185 689 Guira Tanager
186 690 Variable Seedeater
187 691 Bananaquit
188 692 Yellow-throated Tanager Finch
189 693 Ochre-breasted Tanager
190 694 Rufous-bellied Nighthawk
191 695 Chestnut-crowned Antpitta
192 696 Brown-capped Vireo
193 697 Sooty-headed Tyrannulet
194 698 Golden-hooded Tanager
195 699 Pale-vented Pigeon
196 700 Hook-billed Kite
197 701 Collared Aracari
198 702 Violet-bellied Hummingbird
199 703 Black-cheeked Woodpecker
200 704 Smoky-brown Woodpecker
201 705 Lineated Woodpecker
202 706 Streaked Xenops
203 707 Choco Tyrannulet
204 708 Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant
205 709 Masked Water Tyrant
206 710 Boat-billed Flycatcher
207 711 Purple-throated Fruitcrow
208 712 Bearded Manakin
209 713 Black-crowned Tityra
210 714 Stripe-throated Wren
211 715 White-shouldered Tanager
212 716 Tawny-crested Tanager
213 717 Blue-black Grassquit
214 718 Buff-throated Saltator
215 719 Yellow-tailed Oriole
216 720 Scarlet-rumped Cacique
217 721 Yellow-billed Pintail
218 722 Andean Ruddy Duck
219 723 Andean Teal
220 724 Silvery Grebe
221 725 Black-faced Ibis
222 726 Andean Condor
223 727 Variable Hawk
224 728 Slate-colored Coot
225 729 Andean Lapwing
226 730 Andean Gull
227 731 Black-winged Ground Dove
228 732 Ecuadorian Hillstar
229 733 Giant Hummingbird
230 734 Carunculated Caracara
231 735 Chestnut-winged Cinclodes
232 736 Stout-billed Cinclodes
233 737 Many-striped Canastero
234 738 Plain-capped Ground Tyrant
235 739 Paramo Pipit
236 740 Plumbeous Sierra Finch
237 741 Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe
238 742 Viridian Metaltail
239 743 White-chinned Thistletail
240 744 Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager
241 745 Golden-crowned Tanager
242 746 Blue-backed Conebill
243 747 Glossy Flowerpiercer
244 748 Pale-naped Brush Finch
245 749 Long-tailed Sylph
246 750 Emerald Toucanet
247 751 Inca Jay
248 752 Turquoise Jay
249 753 Mountain Cacique
250 754 Torrent Duck
251 755 Plumbeous Pigeon
252 756 Red-breasted Blackbird
253 757 White-tailed Hillstar
254 758 Golden-tailed Sapphire
255 759 Many-banded Aracari
256 760 Channel-billed Toucan
257 761 Dusky-headed Parakeet
258 762 Lineated Woodcreeper
259 763 Lemon-browed Flycatcher
260 764 Amazonian Umbrellabird
261 765 Black-billed Thrush
262 766 Silver-beaked Tanager
263 767 Swallow Tanager
264 768 Blue Dacnis
265 769 Yellow-rumped Cacique
266 770 Russet-backed Oropendola
267 771 Speckled Chachalaca
268 772 Little Cuckoo
269 773 Many-spotted Hummingbird
270 774 Blue-crowned Trogon
271 775 Lemon-throated Barbet
272 776 Golden-collared Toucanet
273 777 Yellow-tufted Woodpecker
274 778 Black Caracara
275 779 Blue-headed Parrot
276 780 Lined Antshrike
277 781 Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner
278 782 Eastern Wood Pewee
279 783 Long-tailed Tyrant
280 784 Yellow-green Vireo
281 785 Violaceous Jay
282 786 Magpie Tanager
283 787 Vermilion Tanager
284 788 Paradise Tanager
285 789 Green-and-gold Tanager
286 790 Yellow-browed Sparrow
287 791 Violet-fronted Brilliant
288 792 Ashy-throated Tanager Finch
289 793 White-rumped Hawk
290 794 Bran-colored Flycatcher
291 795 Streak-headed Antbird
292 796 White-bellied Antpitta
293 797 White-tailed Tyrannulet
294 798 Black-capped Hemispingus
295 799 Citrine Warbler
296 800 Speckle-faced Parrot
297 801 Saffron-crowned Tanager
298 802 Southern Lapwing
299 803 Torrent Tyrannulet
300 804 Tourmaline Sunangel
301 805 Gorgeted Woodstar
302 806 Chestnut-breasted Coronet