BIRDS of Brazil's
Atantlic Forest & Savanna

Parte UM -

Curitiba to Ubatuba

Parte DIOS -

REGUA to Itatiaia

Parte TRES -

Agulhas Negras to End


REGUA to the Itatiaia - stops 4 & 5


The Itinerary (a detailed list with links to the destinations and bird lists is at the end)


The next leg took us to a place called Guapiacu (gua-pee-ah-sue) and a key restoration area of the forest called REGUA

We went inland to the foothills of the mountains
REGUA Lodge   Tower and peaceful surroundings
Capybara   Wetlands
Greater Ani   Common Gallinule
Cattle Egret
Caiman   Neotropic Cormorants resting in the rain
Yellow-eared Woodpecker   Rufous-tailed Jacamar
Rufescent Tiger-Heron (adult)   Rufescent Tiger-Heron (immature)
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck   Amazon Kingfisher
Masked Water-Tyrant   Masked Water-Tyrant babies
Streaked Xenops   White-winged Becard
Yellow-throated Woodpecker   Reddish Hermit
Shrike-like Cotinga   Crescent-chested Puffbird
Yellow-chinned Spinetail   Wing-banded Hornero
Moth   More mushrooms - fertile forest
Brazilian Tapir encounter #1   Brazilian Tapir encounter #2

While walking on the trail through the wetlands, a Brazilian Tapir suddenly rounded the corner and headed right for me with its nose up like a dog.   So I extended my hand and it sniffed it and then moved on to my wife and sniffed her and continued to attempt a sniff the rest of the group.  It didn't mind a pet or two and stayed with the group for a good 5 minutes before losing interest and walking off the trail.  See video below.

The sign says don't approach the tapirs, but he approached us.  His name was Jupiter and he's still young and has more room to grow.

We were told by our leader that part of the restoration efforts for this area will introduce wildlife as well.  The tapirs were taken from people-friendly farms, so are used to being around and asking for food.  The following generations will become more wild - and we were told the happy news that one of their females was already pregnant.

The other tapir came up to the lodge while Monique and I were the only ones there.  It saw Mo and approached far enough to see that she had no bananas and then walked on.


Video of the Tapir encounter...

Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
Orange-bellied Euphonia (female)   Orange-bellied Euphonia (male)
Butterfly   Ginger variant
Fork-tailed Flycatcher   House Wren
Southern Caracara   Striated Heron
Black-capped Foliage-gleaner   Swallow-tailed Manakin
Rufous-capped Motmot   Surucua Trogon
White-barred Piculet mom & young   White-barred Piculet
Common Marmoset   Common Marmoset baby
Common Marmoset
The picture on the left shows what the area used to look like - the picture on the right shows just 15 years of dense growth.
Outside restaurant   Inside restaurant
Image result for caipirinha by the pitcher"  
Guess what we had to relax with dinner... by the pitcher(!)

We next took off further into the mountains to Itatiaia (bet you can't pronounce it).

But we first headed south to the coast to hunt for a couple endemics.

After the beach, Eduardo, took us to the Rio-Niteroi Bridge which travels just north of the Rio de Janeiro.  We were hoping to see the Christ the Redeemer statue, but a pesky cloud hung just in front of it (right side of picture).  The view of the bay and city was exciting - glad Eduardo was driving.

Praia Seca Beach - and then west past Rio...

Praia Seca Beach
Restinga Antwren                                       -    the target birds    -                                 Hangnest Tody-Tyrant
Chalk-browed Mockingbird   Tropical Kingbird
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture   Brown Booby
Chris and Marian   Brent
White-cheeked Pintail (male)   White-cheeked Pintail (female with 4 ducklings)
Grassland Sparrow   White-cheeked Pintail (with 10 ducklings!)
White-backed Stilt   Semipalmated Plover
Going through Rio

Arrival at Itatiaia (eh-ta-shEEa)

Lodges - with fireplaces and killer views
Dusky-legged Guan   Flowers that attract the hummers
White-throated Hummingbird   Black Jacobin
Brazilian Ruby   Violet-capped Woodnymph
Glittering-throated Emerald   The Team
Double-collared Seedeater (male)   Double-collared Seedeater (female)
Shiny Cowbird   Saffron Finch (male & female)
Ruddy Ground-Dove   Picazuro Pigeon
Blue-winged Macaw   Saffron Tooucanet
Green-headed Tanager   Southern Rough-winged Swallow
Scaly-headed Parrot   White-throated Woodcreeper
House Wren   Social Flycatcher
Swainson's flycatcher   Long-tailed Tyrant (male & female at nest hole)
Frilled Coquette
Red-rumped Cacique   Tawny-browed Owl  (shot in the dark)
Brazilian Squirrel   View from hotel
Hotel pool   Abandoned old hotel nearby - good birding spot
Brassy-breasted Tanager   Buff-throated Warbling-Finch
Nightfall - Guan in right side tree at the "v"   Rufous-crowned Greenlet
Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin   Roadside Hawk
White-crested Tyrannulet   Gray-headed Tody-Flycatcher
Hotel restaurant and Caiprinha fountain   Wall at the hotel

Parte UM -

Curitiba to Ubatuba

Parte DIOS -

REGUA to Itatiaia

Parte TRES -

Agulhas Negras to End

    When Where to information eBird Hot Spot Overnight Hotels

Curitiba to Ubatuba

Night 1 Oct 12 Curitiba   Bourbon Dom Ricardo Aeroporto Hotel
      Esrtada do Corvo  
Night 2 Oct 13 Cananéia Cananéia Pousada Recanto de Morro
Night 3-5 Oct 14-16 Intervales SP Intervales SP Pousada Pico Pau

REGUA to Itatiaia

Night 6-8 Oct 17-19 Ubatuba Ubatuba Hotel Solar das Aguas Cantantes
      Sítio Folha Seca Perequê  
Night 9-11 Oct 20-22 Guapiaçu Guapiaçu Guapiassu Bird Lodge
      Serra dos Orgaos  
Night 12-13 Oct 23-24 Itatiaia NP Itatiaia NP  /  Hotel do Ypê Hotel do Ypê

to Home

Night 14 Oct 25 Agulhas Negras Agulhas Negras Hotel Sao Gotardo
Night 15-17 Oct 26-28 Serra da Canastra NP Serra da Canastra NP Pousada Barcelos
Night 18 Oct 29 Caraça missionary Caraca missionary Caraça Sanctuary
Night 19 Oct 30 Serra de Cipo Serra de Cipo Pousada Chão da Serra
Night 20 Oct 31 Belo Horizonte Airport  
  Day 21 Nov 1 Dallas - Sacramento - Home    
