BIRDS - Fresh from Costa Rica
Here are some photos from the trip to Costa Rica with Tropical Feathers and founder Noel Ureña
(January 27 - February 10, 2016)

Bougainvilla Hotel, San Jose, CR (Jan 27th)
Cerro Lodge - Carara NP / Rio Tarcoles (Jan 28-29)
Esquinas Rainforest Lodge (Jan 30-31)
Sueños del Bosque, San Gerardo de Dota (Feb 1-2)
La Selva Biological Research Station (Feb 3-4)
Caño Negro Natural Lodge (Feb 5-6)
Celeste Mountain Lodge (Feb 7-8)
Bougainvilla Hotel (Feb 9) - return (10th)

Birding in the jungle is quite a challenge and although we studied for a year, trying to remember the sights and sounds of almost 800 different birds is impossible.  Fortunately we had an exceptional Costa Rica birder and guide, Noel Ureña.  Through his acute skills with bird sounds and with his eagle sharp vision - even from a moving car, we were led to 445(!) different species of birds and on an adventure that covered the country and Noel's extensive knowledge of Costa Rica's flora and fauna.  His good humor lightened the journey and his excitement for birding was contagious.  For two weeks, we were birding buddies on a quest to find as many different species as we could.   In the end, we added 268 new birds to our list - all in all, a wonderfully intense birding trip, covering over 1,000 miles of roads and about 20 miles of hiking. 
From hot and humid along the coast to cool in the mountains, it was a joyful trip through paradise.

Our first priority was to see the birds, but I managed to snap some shots along the way - some are good and others are fuzzy.  I've put the useable ones (about 180 species) below as evidence that we saw them.  Here's the trip, more or less in line...

Landed in San Jose, Costa Rica and spent the first night at the Bougainvillea Hotel   Traditional Ox Cart

The garden of the hotel was the first pace we birded




Philadelphia Vireo

  Baltimore Oriole

White-eared Ground Sparrow

  Grayish Saltator


White-eared Ground Sparrow

Red-billed Pigeon
We left after lunch and headed west to Carara and the Pacific coast    
Groove-billed Ani (mostly north CR and above to Texas)   Smooth-billed Ani (mostly South CR & below to SA)


Carara NP, Cerro Lodge

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Turquoise-browed Motmot   Spine-tailed Iguana
Yellow-olive Flycatcher   Green-breasted Mango
Cerro Lodge Restaurant   Cabin room
With an outside bathroom!  Always warm here - 70's at night. (small frog in the shower, bigger frog in the toilet - surprise!)
Laughing Falcon
Common Tody-Flycatcher   Purple Gallinule (imm)
Ruddy Ground-Dove   Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
Collared Forest-Falcon   Yellow-headed Caracara
Orange-fronted Parakeet   Crimson-fronted Parakeet
Cerro Lodge area
Rufous-naped Wren   Melodious Blackbird
Black-headed Trogon (m) Black-throated Trogon (f)
Royal Flycatcher
Dot-winged Antbird (m)   Dot-winged Antbird (f)
Black-hooded Antshrike (m)   Chestnut-backed Antbird
Carara NP Trails
Ghost Bat
    Variegated Squirrel
Rufous-naped Wren   Squirrel Cuckoo
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl
Pacific Screech Owl
Baird's Trogon
Lineated Woodpecker
Hoffman's Woodpecker
Rufous-tailed Jacamar
Blue-crowned Motmot   White-whiskered Puffbird
Common Basilisk Spine-tailed Iguana
Crocodiles   Geckos around the cabin at night
"Your safety is our concern, but it is your responsibility"   Streak-chested Antpitta
Brown Jay   White-throated Magpie-Jay
Purple-crown Fairy   Plain Xenops
Scarlet Macaw
Boat trip on the Rio Tarcoles (just us, Noel and the boat pilot / guide)
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron   Northern Jacana (imm)
Magnificent Frigatebird (f) Magnificent Frigatebird (m)
Where the Rio Tarcoles hits the ocean    
Tri-colored Heron   Common Black Hawk
Roseate Spoonbills bathing Um... Mr. Horse... there's crocodiles in the water...
Muscovy Ducks - mostly domestic up north.  These are feral.
Neotropic Cormorant Brown Pelican
    Peregrine Falcon
After the boat trip, a trail to a surprise...   ...Black and White Owls! Roosting for the day
Banana Tree   Mo - at a trailhead
King Vulture   Gray-breasted Martin
Moving on... to mid-Pacific coast   Not many people (it's Saturday!)
Golden-naped Woodpecker Blue Dacnis, Prothonotary Warblers and Tennessee Warbler (on the right)


Esquinas Rainforest

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Esquinas Lodge
    White-lined Bats - day roost at the restaurant
Cherrie's Tanager   Black-crowned Tityra
Great Curassow (m&f)  (Early morning, light not good) with Agouti   Crested Guan
Scarlet Macaw   Red-breasted Meadowlark
Esquinas Pond - we could see Caiman eyes at night.    
Fiery-billed Aracari
Mo and Noel (happy Mo!)   Esquinas trails
Red-crowned Woodpecker    
Thick-billed Seedeater (f)   Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager
Pale-breasted Spinetail   Variable Seedeater
Photogenic Horse   Black-striped Sparrow
On to the next stop, San Isidro and Suenos Lodge.  This is along the Pacific coast on the way north east into the mountains
Tropical Feathers HQ, in San Isidro   Good birding hot spot
Golden-hooded Tanager   Streaked Saltator
    Noel with daughter, Maria and son, Noel de Jesus and his mother - saying goodbye
Sunset above the clouds - at communication towers just under 10,000 feet on the way to Suenos Lodge and the Dota Valley


Suenos del Basque Lodge

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Flame-throated Warbler   Collared Redstart
White-throated Mountain Gem (m)   White-throated Mountain Gem (f)
Sooty-capped Chlorospingus   Spangle-cheeked Tanager
Large-footed Finch   Ruddy Treerunner
Long-tailed Silky Flycatcher   Acorn Woodpecker
Slaty Flowerpiercer (pierces the base of flowers to get the nectar)
Flame-colored Tanager   Volcano Hummingbird
Noel's relatives first settled the valley in the 1950's   Now it's the center for what many consider as the prettiest of birds...
The prize of the valley - Resplendent Quetzal (m)    Resplendent Quetzal (f)
Black Guan in distant tree   Sooty Thrush
Back to the towers to find a couple specialties   There were other birders about...
Volcano Junco   Large-footed Finch (juv)
It gets cool at about 7,000 feet and up   Red-tailed Squirrel
Costa Rican Pygmy Owl - Along a dirt road to Providencia   There were two owls that showed up, one is a red phase (m & f, not sure which).
Picture taken by Noel Ureña who is also a published photographer
On the way to La Selva - rest stop for Hummingbirds
Fiery-throated Hummingbird   Green Violetear
Magnificent Hummingbird
Fiery-throated Hummingbirds   Stopped at Porterweed flower bushes, many hummers, too fast to get pics


La Selva Biological Research Station

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Chestnut-colored Woodpecker   Stripe-breasted Wren
Great Green Macaws   Snowy Cotinga
Rufous Motmot Black-faced Grosbeak
Great Tinamou   Red-throated Ant-Tanager
Slaty-tailed Trogon   White-collared Manakin
Collared Aracari Crested Guan
Chuck-Wills-Widow   Vermiculated Screech Owl
Howler Monkeys   Peccary
At just over an inch, this guy can bring a man to his knees - the Bullet Ant    
Broad-billed Motmot   Amazon Kingfisher
On the road again to Cano Negro...   Waterfalls near Chinchona
    and a short stop at Restaurante Mirador Chinchona for good food and a fabulous(!) feeding station
Emerald Toucanet
Violet Sabrewing   Silver-throated Tanager
Prong-billed Barbet Red-headed Barbet
Buff-throated Saltator Palm Tanager
Green Thorntail (f) Green Thorntail (m)
Blue-Gray Tanager   Hoffman's Woodpecker
Passerini's Tanager   Coppery-headed Emerald
View from the Restaurant
    Birdus Domesticus
Short-tailed Hawk - the surrounding area had an excellent variety of birds
- a good place to stay a couple days
  White Hawk - Monique spotted that white speck across the valley while we were riding in the car
Hard working leaf cutter ant trail (they collectively harvest 1/6 of the leaves in the forests)
Friendly Coati by the road, milking the tourists (related to the Raccoon)
Back on the road to Cano Negro - Arenal Volcano (center) Missed the turnoff - here's the Nicaraguan border


Caño Negro

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Cano Negro Natural Lodge had very nice accommodations, good food and exceptional birding
The ouch tree   Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Lineated Woodpecker (imm)   Boat-billed Flycatcher
Red-lored Parrot   Black-headed Trogon (m)
Cano Negro is a marsh / Mangrove wet land - we took three different boat tours and loved them all - very peaceful, very birdy.
Ernesto, the boat pilot, is an exceptional guide.  Found all kinds of different birds and animals.  Took us to places where large groups couldn't go.
Great Blue Heron; Great Egret; Snowy Egret; White Ibis; Wood Stork & Roseate Spoonbill   The Jabiru !
Boat-billed Heron (a night bird, check the eyes)   Gray-necked Wood-Rail
Green Ibis   Glossy Ibis
Neotropic Cormorant   Green Heron
Sungrebe Northern Jacana
Amazon Kingfisher (m) Green  Kingfisher (f)
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher - we saw all 6 Western Hemisphere Kingfishers. Missing from pictures: American Pygmy Kingfisher and our main N. American, Belted Kingfisher
Ringed Kingfisher (the largest) Green Kingfisher (m)
Agami Heron - check out the large bill
Other birders looking at the Agami Heron while Ernesto pushes us over a sandbar get to Crake territory
Yellow-breasted Crake   Wood Stork
Black-collared Hawk (young) - hunting and flying with an eel
Horse crossing - the horse was swimming at one point
Green Basilisk   Long-nosed Bats - looking like tree bark
Social Flycatcher   Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet
White-faced Capuchin Monkey   Howler Monkey - sleepy time
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron   Black Vultures
Montezuma Oropendola   Colorful bird that makes some strange sounds
Roadside Hawk   Semipalmated Plover
Collared Plover   Least Sandpiper
Black-striped Sparrow   Mangrove Swallow
Anhinga - in flowering tree   Anhinga (f)
Spectacled Caiman   Green Iguana
Arenal Volcano    
Sunrise   Sunset
Ernesto, Caño Negro expert   Juan Pablo, bitten on the leg by a Caiman and smiles about it
Rio Frio   Happy Mo
Great Potoo - also makes very strange calls   Great Potoo (on the next pole over, possibly a young Potoo)
Black and White Owl   Pacific Screech Owl


Celeste Mountain Lodge

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Celeste Lodge is located in the northwest mountains, at about 2500 feet.    
Passerine’s Tanager (f)   Yellow-throated Euphonia
Barred Antshrike - just outside our room window
Birding was tough here in the dense forest.    We found several good birds, but it was too dark (and the birds were quick) to get pictures.
Olive-backed Euphonia   Black Hawk-Eagle
Keel-billed Motmot (got all 5 Motmots in CR, this was the last one)   Red-eyed Tree Frog
Central American Pygmy Owl (also got all three Pygmy Owls in CR, this was the last one).   Pygmy owls are day owls and anywhere they go, the other birds get upset. 
They also have markings on the back of their heads that look like eyes.
On to San Jose - found along the way: Orange-fronted Parakeet (f) digging out a nest   Orange-fronted Parakeet (m)
Stopped at a reservoir and found about 30,000(!) Blue-winged Teals   Howler Monkey
Masked Tityra   Brown-crested Flycatcher
Tropical Pewee   Banded Wren
White-collared Seedeater   Wasp nest
Stopped by a salt flat near the coast in Puntarenas Province  - Assorted birds   Royal Tern
Whimbrels   Marbled Godwits
Semipalmated Plovers   Western Sandpiper
Can't be sure what it is...   Willet fly?
Streak-backed Oriole   Northern Scrub-Flycatcher
Inca Dove   Hook-billed Kite
Mangrove Warbler: actually a Yellow Warbler sub-species   ... but come on!  This should be a separate species, found also in S. Texas.
Lesser Ground Cuckoo   ...and our final new bird of the trip.
Back to where we started...    
and on to the airport the next morning   North of San Jose
Pacific in the distance   North Costa Rica
Lagoon Xolotian, Nicaragua   ... with a volcanic peninsula - Reserva Natural Peninsula de Chilatepe
Sand bar off Belize   Dangringa, Belize
Coming in to the Houston area   Dallas-Fort Worth area
...and Home... the SF Bay Area

A super special thank you(!) to our friend and companion Noel Ureña for his exceptional tour.  

If you're ever down in Costa Rica (highly recommended!) and want THE BEST birding guide in the country, contact Tropical Feathers


Bougainvilla Hotel, San Jose, CR (Jan 27th)
Carara (Jan 28-29)
Esquinas (Jan 30-31)
Suenos (Feb 1-2)
La Selva (Feb 3-4)
Cano Negro (Feb 5-6)
Celeste (Feb 7-8)
Bougainvilla Hotel (Feb 9) - return (10th)

Our Flickr - Flickr Slide Show

Here's the list of the 268 new birds we saw:

CR Life Common Name
1 810 Hoffmann's Woodpecker
2 811 Philadelphia Vireo
3 812 Brown Jay
4 813 Rufous-naped Wren
5 814 Grayish Saltator
6 815 White-eared Ground-Sparrow
7 816 Little Tinamou
8 817 Wood Stork
9 818 Purple Gallinule
10 819 Double-striped Thick-knee
11 820 Red-billed Pigeon
12 821 Ruddy Ground-Dove
13 822 Groove-billed Ani
14 823 Pacific Screech-Owl
15 824 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
16 825 Green-breasted Mango
17 826 Steely-vented Hummingbird
18 827 Black-headed Trogon
19 828 Turquoise-browed Motmot
20 829 Collared Forest-Falcon
21 830 Yellow-headed Caracara
22 831 Laughing Falcon
23 832 Brown-hooded Parrot
24 833 Yellow-naped Parrot
25 834 Orange-fronted Parakeet
26 835 Scarlet Macaw
27 836 Crimson-fronted Parakeet
28 837 Greenish Elaenia
29 838 Yellow-olive Flycatcher
30 839 Nutting's Flycatcher
31 840 Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
32 841 Rufous-capped Warbler
33 842 Stripe-headed Sparrow
34 843 Melodious Blackbird
35 844 Scrub Euphonia
36 845 Yellow-crowned Euphonia
37 846 King Vulture
38 847 Zone-tailed Hawk
39 848 Short-billed Pigeon
40 849 Gray-chested Dove
41 850 Band-tailed Barbthroat
42 851 Long-billed Hermit
43 852 Long-billed Starthroat
44 853 Charming Hummingbird
45 854 Cinnamon Hummingbird
46 855 Blue-throated Goldentail
47 856 Baird's Trogon
48 857 Black-throated Trogon
49 858 Blue-crowned Motmot
50 859 Rufous-tailed Jacamar
51 860 Mealy Parrot
52 861 Barred Antshrike
53 862 Black-hooded Antshrike
54 863 Dot-winged Antwren
55 864 Dusky Antbird
56 865 Streak-chested Antpitta
57 866 Northern Barred-Woodcreeper
58 867 Cocoa Woodcreeper
59 868 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner
60 869 Northern Bentbill
61 870 Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher
62 871 Royal Flycatcher
63 872 Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher
64 873 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
65 874 Orange-collared Manakin
66 875 Red-capped Manakin
67 876 Yellow-throated Vireo
68 877 Tawny-crowned Greenlet
69 878 Lesser Greenlet
70 879 Black-bellied Wren
71 880 Rufous-breasted Wren
72 881 Rufous-and-white Wren
73 882 Riverside Wren
74 883 Tropical Gnatcatcher
75 884 Wood Thrush
76 885 Chestnut-sided Warbler
77 886 Gray-headed Tanager
78 887 Red-legged Honeycreeper
79 888 Blue-black Grosbeak
80 889 Giant Cowbird
81 890 Muscovy Duck
82 891 Bare-throated Tiger-Heron
83 892 Northern Jacana
84 893 Black-and-white Owl
85 894 Scaly-breasted Hummingbird
86 895 Amazon Kingfisher
87 896 American Pygmy Kingfisher
88 897 Tropical Pewee
89 898 Panama Flycatcher
90 899 Gray-breasted Martin
91 900 White-throated Magpie-Jay
92 901 Mangrove Swallow
93 902 Montezuma Oropendola
94 903 Golden-naped Woodpecker
95 904 Red-crowned Woodpecker
96 905 Orange-chinned Parakeet
97 906 Streaked Flycatcher
98 907 Cherrie's Tanager
99 908 Crested Oropendola
100 909 Crested Guan
101 910 Great Curassow
102 911 Double-toothed Kite
103 912 Blue Ground-Dove
104 913 Spectacled Owl
105 914 Costa Rican Swift
106 915 Stripe-throated Hermit
107 916 White-crested Coquette
108 917 Violet-headed Hummingbird
109 918 Slaty-tailed Trogon
110 919 Black-faced Antthrush
111 920 Black-striped Woodcreeper
112 921 Pale-breasted Spinetail
113 922 Yellow Tyrannulet
114 923 Yellow-bellied Elaenia
115 924 Paltry Tyrannulet
116 925 Rusty-margined Flycatcher
117 926 Gray-capped Flycatcher
118 927 Piratic Flycatcher
119 928 Fork-tailed Flycatcher
120 929 Buff-rumped Warbler
121 930 White-collared Seedeater
122 931 Black-striped Sparrow
123 932 Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager
124 933 Shiny Cowbird
125 934 Yellow-billed Cacique
126 935 Spot-crowned Euphonia
127 936 Striped Owl
128 937 Gray-headed Chachalaca
129 938 White-crowned Parrot
130 939 Yellow-billed Cotinga
131 940 Gray-necked Wood-Rail
132 941 Fiery-billed Aracari
133 942 Plain Wren
134 943 Pearl Kite
135 944 Turquoise Cotinga
136 945 Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush
137 946 Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl
138 947 Black Guan
139 948 Resplendent Quetzal
140 949 Red-fronted Parrotlet
141 950 Streak-headed Woodcreeper
142 951 Mountain Elaenia
143 952 Yellowish Flycatcher
144 953 Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush
145 954 Mountain Thrush
146 955 Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher
147 956 Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
148 957 Black-cheeked Warbler
149 958 Sooty-capped Chlorospingus
150 959 Common Chlorospingus
151 960 Large-footed Finch
152 961 Spotted Wood-Quail
153 962 Green Hermit
154 963 Green Violetear
155 964 White-throated Mountain-gem
156 965 Volcano Hummingbird
157 966 Scintillant Hummingbird
158 967 Stripe-tailed Hummingbird
159 968 Sulphur-winged Parakeet
160 969 Ruddy Treerunner
161 970 Sooty Thrush
162 971 Flame-throated Warbler
163 972 Collared Redstart
164 973 Spangle-cheeked Tanager
165 974 Slaty Flowerpiercer
166 975 Yellow-thighed Finch
167 976 Flame-colored Tanager
168 977 Yellow-bellied Siskin
169 978 Yellow-winged Vireo
170 979 Rufous-browed Peppershrike
171 980 Black-faced Solitaire
172 981 Golden-browed Chlorophonia
173 982 Timberline Wren
174 983 Volcano Junco
175 984 Bare-shanked Screech-Owl
176 985 Green-fronted Lancebill
177 986 Spot-crowned Woodcreeper
178 987 Buffy Tuftedcheek
179 988 Tufted Flycatcher
180 989 Ochraceous Pewee
181 990 Black-capped Flycatcher
182 991 Fiery-throated Hummingbird
183 992 Coppery-headed Emerald
184 993 Great Tinamou
185 994 Slaty-breasted Tinamou
186 995 Green Ibis
187 996 Black Hawk-Eagle
188 997 Semiplumbeous Hawk
189 998 Chuck-will's-widow
190 999 Short-tailed Nighthawk
191 1000 Vermiculated Screech-Owl
192 1001 Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift
193 1002 Blue-chested Hummingbird
194 1003 Gartered Trogon
195 1004 Broad-billed Motmot
196 1005 Keel-billed Toucan
197 1006 Rufous-winged Woodpecker
198 1007 Chestnut-colored Woodpecker
199 1008 Pale-billed Woodpecker
200 1009 Bat Falcon
201 1010 Olive-throated Parakeet
202 1011 Great Green Macaw
203 1012 Plain-brown Woodcreeper
204 1013 Ochre-bellied Flycatcher
205 1014 Bright-rumped Attila
206 1015 Snowy Cotinga
207 1016 White-collared Manakin
208 1017 Barred Becard
209 1018 Cinnamon Becard
210 1019 Band-backed Wren
211 1020 Stripe-breasted Wren
212 1021 Passerini's Tanager
213 1022 Plain-colored Tanager
214 1023 Dusky-faced Tanager
215 1024 Black-headed Saltator
216 1025 Red-throated Ant-Tanager
217 1026 Black-faced Grosbeak
218 1027 Black-cowed Oriole
219 1028 Chestnut-headed Oropendola
220 1029 Olive-backed Euphonia
221 1030 Fasciated Antshrike
222 1031 White Hawk
223 1032 White-bellied Mountain-gem
224 1033 Violet Sabrewing
225 1034 Prong-billed Barbet
226 1035 Dark Pewee
227 1036 Ochraceous Wren
228 1037 American Redstart
229 1038 White-throated Crake
230 1039 Jabiru
231 1040 Agami Heron
232 1041 Boat-billed Heron
233 1042 Glossy Ibis
234 1043 Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
235 1044 Black-collared Hawk
236 1045 Yellow-breasted Crake
237 1046 Sungrebe
238 1047 Limpkin
239 1048 Collared Plover
240 1049 Gray-headed Dove
241 1050 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher
242 1051 Spot-breasted Wren
243 1052 Nicaraguan Grackle
244 1053 Great Potoo
245 1054 Olivaceous Piculet
246 1055 White-breasted Wood-Wren
247 1056 Yellow-faced Grassquit
248 1057 Bicolored Antbird
249 1058 Carmiol's Tanager
250 1059 Central American Pygmy-Owl
251 1060 Tody Motmot
252 1061 Keel-billed Motmot
253 1062 Streak-crowned Antvireo
254 1063 Dull-mantled Antbird
255 1064 Spotted Antbird
256 1065 Northern Schiffornis
257 1066 Green Shrike-Vireo
258 1067 Nightingale Wren
259 1068 Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush
260 1069 Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
261 1070 Hepatic Tanager
262 1071 Yellow-throated Euphonia
263 1072 Banded Wren
264 1073 Streak-backed Oriole
265 1074 White-lored Gnatcatcher
266 1075 Northern Scrub-Flycatcher
267 1076 Long-tailed Manakin
268 1077 Lesser Ground-Cuckoo

And just to add another list, here are the 445 birds we saw/heard during the whole trip:

Seq Name Location Date
1 Great Tinamou La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
2 Little Tinamou Cerro Lodge and three other places - heard only nearby 1/28/16
3 Slaty-breasted Tinamou La Selva (OTS Reserve) - heard only, but was calling to us 2/4/16
4 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
5 Muscovy Duck Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
6 Blue-winged Teal Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
7 Lesser Scaup Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
8 Gray-headed Chachalaca Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
9 Crested Guan Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
10 Black Guan PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
11 Great Curassow Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
12 Spotted Wood-Quail San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
13 Jabiru Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
14 Wood Stork Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
15 Magnificent Frigatebird Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
16 Neotropic Cormorant PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
17 Anhinga Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
18 Brown Pelican Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
19 Bare-throated Tiger-Heron Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
20 Great Blue Heron PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
21 Great Egret Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
22 Snowy Egret PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
23 Little Blue Heron Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
24 Tricolored Heron Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
25 Cattle Egret Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
26 Green Heron Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
27 Agami Heron Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
28 Black-crowned Night-Heron Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
29 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
30 Boat-billed Heron Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
31 White Ibis Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
32 Glossy Ibis Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
33 Green Ibis La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
34 Roseate Spoonbill Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
35 Black Vulture Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
36 Turkey Vulture Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
37 Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
38 King Vulture PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
39 Osprey Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
40 Pearl Kite San Isidro de El General 2/1/16
41 White-tailed Kite Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
42 Hook-billed Kite Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
43 Swallow-tailed Kite Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
44 Black Hawk-Eagle La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
45 Black-collared Hawk Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
46 Double-toothed Kite Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
47 Common Black Hawk Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
48 Barred Hawk Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
49 Roadside Hawk Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
50 White Hawk Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
51 Semiplumbeous Hawk La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
52 Gray Hawk PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
53 Broad-winged Hawk Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
54 Short-tailed Hawk Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
55 Zone-tailed Hawk PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
56 Red-tailed Hawk PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
57 White-throated Crake Entrada Los Chiles (El Parque) hasta Caño Negro, heard only 2/5/16
58 Gray-necked Wood-Rail Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 2/1/16
59 Yellow-breasted Crake Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
60 Purple Gallinule Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
61 Sungrebe Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
62 Limpkin Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
63 Double-striped Thick-knee Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
64 Black-necked Stilt Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
65 Black-bellied Plover Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
66 Southern Lapwing manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
67 Collared Plover Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
68 Wilson's Plover manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
69 Semipalmated Plover manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
70 Killdeer Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
71 Northern Jacana Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
72 Spotted Sandpiper Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
73 Greater Yellowlegs Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
74 Willet Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
75 Lesser Yellowlegs manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
76 Whimbrel Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
77 Long-billed Curlew Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
78 Marbled Godwit Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
79 Stilt Sandpiper Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
80 Least Sandpiper manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
81 Western Sandpiper Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
82 Short-billed Dowitcher Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
83 Laughing Gull Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
84 Royal Tern manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
85 Sandwich Tern Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
86 Elegant Tern Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
87 Black Skimmer Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
88 Rock Pigeon Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
89 Pale-vented Pigeon PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
90 Red-billed Pigeon Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
91 Band-tailed Pigeon San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
92 Ruddy Pigeon San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
93 Short-billed Pigeon PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
94 Inca Dove Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
95 Common Ground-Dove Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
96 Ruddy Ground-Dove Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
97 Blue Ground-Dove Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
98 White-tipped Dove Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
99 Gray-chested Dove PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
100 Gray-headed Dove Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
101 White-winged Dove Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
102 Squirrel Cuckoo Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
103 Striped Cuckoo La Selva (OTS Reserve) Heard only 2/4/16
104 Lesser Ground-Cuckoo Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
105 Smooth-billed Ani manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
106 Groove-billed Ani Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
107 Pacific Screech-Owl Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
108 Vermiculated Screech-Owl La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
109 Bare-shanked Screech-Owl Savegre Valley (upper) 2/2/16
110 Spectacled Owl Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
111 Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl San Gerardo de Dota 2/1/16
112 Central American Pygmy-Owl Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
113 Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
114 Black-and-white Owl Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
115 Striped Owl Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 2/1/16
116 Lesser Nighthawk Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
117 Short-tailed Nighthawk La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
118 Common Pauraque Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/30/16
119 Chuck-will's-widow La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
120 Great Potoo Entrada Los Chiles (El Parque) hasta Caño Negro 2/6/16
121 Chestnut-collared Swift PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
122 White-collared Swift Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
123 Vaux's Swift Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
124 Costa Rican Swift Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
125 Gray-rumped Swift La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
126 Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
127 White-necked Jacobin PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
128 Band-tailed Barbthroat PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
129 Green Hermit San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
130 Long-billed Hermit PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
131 Stripe-throated Hermit Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
132 Green-fronted Lancebill PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
133 Brown Violetear Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
134 Green Violetear San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
135 Purple-crowned Fairy PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
136 Green-breasted Mango Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
137 Green Thorntail Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
138 White-crested Coquette Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
139 Green-crowned Brilliant Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
140 Magnificent Hummingbird San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
141 Long-billed Starthroat PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
142 Fiery-throated Hummingbird Cerro de La Muerte--km 70, Mirador de Quetzales 2/3/16
143 White-bellied Mountain-gem Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
144 White-throated Mountain-gem San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
145 Ruby-throated Hummingbird Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
146 Volcano Hummingbird San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
147 Scintillant Hummingbird San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
148 Violet-headed Hummingbird Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
149 Scaly-breasted Hummingbird Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
150 Violet Sabrewing Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
151 Crowned Woodnymph manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
152 Stripe-tailed Hummingbird San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
153 Coppery-headed Emerald Porterweed flower patch 2/3/16
154 Blue-chested Hummingbird La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
155 Charming Hummingbird PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
156 Steely-vented Hummingbird Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
157 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
158 Cinnamon Hummingbird PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
159 Blue-throated Goldentail PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
160 Resplendent Quetzal PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
161 Slaty-tailed Trogon Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
162 Black-headed Trogon Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
163 Baird's Trogon PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
164 Gartered Trogon La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
165 Black-throated Trogon PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
166 Collared Trogon PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
167 Tody Motmot Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
168 Blue-crowned Motmot PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
169 Rufous Motmot La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
170 Keel-billed Motmot Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
171 Broad-billed Motmot La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
172 Turquoise-browed Motmot Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
173 Ringed Kingfisher Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
174 Belted Kingfisher Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
175 Amazon Kingfisher Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
176 Green Kingfisher Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
177 Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
178 American Pygmy Kingfisher Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
179 White-whiskered Puffbird PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
180 Rufous-tailed Jacamar PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
181 Red-headed Barbet Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
182 Prong-billed Barbet Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
183 Emerald Toucanet PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
184 Collared Aracari La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
185 Fiery-billed Aracari Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 2/1/16
186 Yellow-throated Toucan PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
187 Keel-billed Toucan La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
188 Olivaceous Piculet Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/7/16
189 Acorn Woodpecker San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
190 Golden-naped Woodpecker manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
191 Black-cheeked Woodpecker La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
192 Red-crowned Woodpecker manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
193 Hoffmann's Woodpecker Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
194 Smoky-brown Woodpecker Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
195 Hairy Woodpecker PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
196 Rufous-winged Woodpecker La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
197 Chestnut-colored Woodpecker La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
198 Lineated Woodpecker PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
199 Pale-billed Woodpecker La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
200 Collared Forest-Falcon Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
201 Crested Caracara Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
202 Yellow-headed Caracara Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
203 Laughing Falcon Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
204 American Kestrel PN Los Quetzales--Cerro Buenavista communication towers 2/2/16
205 Merlin PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
206 Bat Falcon La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
207 Peregrine Falcon Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
208 Red-fronted Parrotlet PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
209 Orange-chinned Parakeet manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
210 Brown-hooded Parrot Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
211 Blue-headed Parrot Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
212 White-crowned Parrot Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
213 Red-lored Parrot Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
214 Yellow-naped Parrot Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
215 White-fronted Parrot Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
216 Mealy Parrot PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
217 Sulphur-winged Parakeet San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
218 Olive-throated Parakeet La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
219 Orange-fronted Parakeet Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
220 Great Green Macaw La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
221 Scarlet Macaw Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
222 Crimson-fronted Parakeet Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
223 Fasciated Antshrike La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/5/16
224 Barred Antshrike PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
225 Black-hooded Antshrike PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
226 Streak-crowned Antvireo Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
227 Dot-winged Antwren PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
228 Dusky Antbird PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
229 Chestnut-backed Antbird PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
230 Dull-mantled Antbird Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
231 Bicolored Antbird Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/7/16
232 Spotted Antbird Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
233 Scaled Antpitta San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
234 Streak-chested Antpitta PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
235 Black-faced Antthrush Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
236 Plain-brown Woodcreeper La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
237 Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
238 Northern Barred-Woodcreeper PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
239 Cocoa Woodcreeper PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
240 Black-striped Woodcreeper Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
241 Spotted Woodcreeper Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
242 Streak-headed Woodcreeper PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
243 Spot-crowned Woodcreeper PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
244 Plain Xenops Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
245 Buffy Tuftedcheek PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
246 Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
247 Ruddy Treerunner San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
248 Red-faced Spinetail Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
249 Pale-breasted Spinetail Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
250 Slaty Spinetail Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/7/16
251 Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/7/16
252 Yellow Tyrannulet Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
253 Greenish Elaenia Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
254 Yellow-bellied Elaenia Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
255 Mountain Elaenia PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
256 Torrent Tyrannulet Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
257 Ochre-bellied Flycatcher La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
258 Paltry Tyrannulet Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
259 Northern Scrub-Flycatcher Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
260 Northern Bentbill PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
261 Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
262 Common Tody-Flycatcher Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
263 Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
264 Yellow-olive Flycatcher Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
265 Royal Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
266 Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
267 Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
268 Tufted Flycatcher PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
269 Dark Pewee Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
270 Ochraceous Pewee PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
271 Tropical Pewee Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
272 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
273 Yellowish Flycatcher PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
274 Black-capped Flycatcher PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
275 Black Phoebe PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/3/16
276 Long-tailed Tyrant La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
277 Bright-rumped Attila La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
278 Dusky-capped Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
279 Panama Flycatcher Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
280 Nutting's Flycatcher Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
281 Great Crested Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
282 Brown-crested Flycatcher Sandillal Reservoir 2/9/16
283 Great Kiskadee Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
284 Boat-billed Flycatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
285 Rusty-margined Flycatcher Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
286 Social Flycatcher Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
287 Gray-capped Flycatcher Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
288 Streaked Flycatcher manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
289 Piratic Flycatcher Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
290 Tropical Kingbird Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
291 Western Kingbird Hwy 731 from Cano Negro 2/7/16
292 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
293 Fork-tailed Flycatcher Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
294 Turquoise Cotinga San Isidro de El General 2/1/16
295 Yellow-billed Cotinga Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16
296 Snowy Cotinga La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
297 Long-tailed Manakin Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
298 White-collared Manakin La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
299 Orange-collared Manakin PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
300 Red-capped Manakin PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
301 Black-crowned Tityra Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
302 Masked Tityra Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
303 Northern Schiffornis Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
304 Barred Becard La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
305 Cinnamon Becard La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
306 Yellow-throated Vireo PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
307 Yellow-winged Vireo Savegre Mountain Lodge 2/2/16
308 Brown-capped Vireo Savegre Mountain Lodge 2/2/16
309 Philadelphia Vireo Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
310 Tawny-crowned Greenlet PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
311 Lesser Greenlet PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
312 Green Shrike-Vireo Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
313 Rufous-browed Peppershrike Savegre Mountain Lodge 2/2/16
314 White-throated Magpie-Jay Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
315 Brown Jay Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
316 Blue-and-white Swallow San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
317 Southern Rough-winged Swallow Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
318 Gray-breasted Martin Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
319 Mangrove Swallow Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
320 Barn Swallow Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
321 Nightingale Wren Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
322 Scaly-breasted Wren Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
323 House Wren Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
324 Ochraceous Wren Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
325 Timberline Wren PN Los Quetzales--Cerro Buenavista communication towers 2/2/16
326 Band-backed Wren La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
327 Rufous-naped Wren Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
328 Black-bellied Wren PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
329 Rufous-breasted Wren PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
330 Spot-breasted Wren Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
331 Banded Wren Sandillal Reservoir 2/9/16
332 Rufous-and-white Wren PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
333 Stripe-breasted Wren La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
334 Plain Wren Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 2/1/16
335 Riverside Wren PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
336 Bay Wren Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/7/16
337 White-breasted Wood-Wren Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/7/16
338 Gray-breasted Wood-Wren PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
339 White-lored Gnatcatcher Punta Morales--Cocorocas salinas 2/9/16
340 Tropical Gnatcatcher PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
341 Black-faced Solitaire Savegre Mountain Lodge 2/2/16
342 Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush Tropical Feathers Headquarters 2/1/16
343 Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
344 Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
345 Wood Thrush PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
346 Sooty Thrush San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
347 Mountain Thrush PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
348 Clay-colored Thrush Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
349 Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
350 Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
351 Northern Waterthrush PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
352 Black-and-white Warbler San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
353 Prothonotary Warbler Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
354 Flame-throated Warbler San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
355 Tennessee Warbler Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
356 Gray-crowned Yellowthroat Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
357 Kentucky Warbler La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
358 Olive-crowned Yellowthroat La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
359 American Redstart Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
360 Tropical Parula Cinchona--Mirador La Cascada 2/5/16
361 Yellow Warbler Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
362 Chestnut-sided Warbler PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
363 Black-throated Green Warbler Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 2/1/16
364 Rufous-capped Warbler Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
365 Black-cheeked Warbler PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
366 Buff-rumped Warbler Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
367 Wilson's Warbler PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
368 Collared Redstart San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
369 Gray-headed Tanager PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
370 White-shouldered Tanager PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
371 Passerini's Tanager La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
372 Cherrie's Tanager manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
373 Blue-gray Tanager Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
374 Palm Tanager manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
375 Golden-hooded Tanager PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
376 Spangle-cheeked Tanager San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
377 Plain-colored Tanager La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
378 Bay-headed Tanager PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
379 Silver-throated Tanager PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
380 Scarlet-thighed Dacnis Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
381 Blue Dacnis manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
382 Red-legged Honeycreeper PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
383 Green Honeycreeper Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
384 Slaty Flowerpiercer San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
385 Blue-black Grassquit Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
386 Thick-billed Seed-Finch Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
387 Variable Seedeater Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
388 White-collared Seedeater Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
389 Yellow-bellied Seedeater Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
390 Bananaquit Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
391 Yellow-faced Grassquit Hwy 731 from Cano Negro 2/7/16
392 Dusky-faced Tanager La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
393 Buff-throated Saltator Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
394 Black-headed Saltator La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
395 Grayish Saltator Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
396 Streaked Saltator Tropical Feathers Headquarters 2/1/16
397 Sooty-capped Chlorospingus PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
398 Common Chlorospingus PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
399 Stripe-headed Sparrow Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
400 Olive Sparrow Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
401 Black-striped Sparrow Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
402 Orange-billed Sparrow PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
403 Chestnut-capped Brushfinch San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/3/16
404 Volcano Junco PN Los Quetzales--Cerro Buenavista communication towers 2/2/16
405 Rufous-collared Sparrow Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
406 Large-footed Finch PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
407 White-eared Ground-Sparrow Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
408 Yellow-thighed Finch San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
409 Hepatic Tanager Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
410 Summer Tanager Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
411 Flame-colored Tanager San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
412 White-winged Tanager PN Los Quetzales--KM 76, Providencia road 2/2/16
413 Red-throated Ant-Tanager La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
414 Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
415 Carmiol's Tanager Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/7/16
416 Black-faced Grosbeak La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
417 Rose-breasted Grosbeak Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 2/1/16
418 Blue-black Grosbeak PN Carara--Sendero Quebrada Bonita 1/29/16
419 Painted Bunting Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
420 Red-winged Blackbird Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
421 Eastern Meadowlark Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
422 Red-breasted Meadowlark Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
423 Melodious Blackbird Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
424 Great-tailed Grackle Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
425 Nicaraguan Grackle Caño Negro--Río Frío 2/6/16
426 Shiny Cowbird Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
427 Bronzed Cowbird manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
428 Giant Cowbird Tarcoles--road to the docks. 1/29/16
429 Black-cowled Oriole La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
430 Streak-backed Oriole Sandillal Reservoir 2/9/16
431 Baltimore Oriole Hotel Bougainvillea (Heredia) 1/28/16
432 Yellow-billed Cacique Esquinas Rainforest Lodge - Heard only 1/31/16
433 Scarlet-rumped Cacique manglares del Río Hatillo Viejo 1/30/16
434 Crested Oropendola Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/30/16
435 Chestnut-headed Oropendola La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
436 Montezuma Oropendola Río Tarcoles--river mouth 1/30/16
437 Scrub Euphonia Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
438 Yellow-crowned Euphonia Cerro Lodge 1/28/16
439 Thick-billed Euphonia Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
440 Yellow-throated Euphonia Celeste Mountain Lodge 2/8/16
441 Spot-crowned Euphonia Esquinas Rainforest Lodge 1/31/16
442 Olive-backed Euphonia La Selva (OTS Reserve) 2/4/16
443 Golden-browed Chlorophonia Savegre Mountain Lodge 2/2/16
444 Yellow-bellied Siskin San Gerardo de Dota--Sueños del Bosque Lodge 2/2/16
445 House Sparrow Rio Rincón bridge & environs 2/1/16