BIRDS - Fresh from BRAZIL !

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Coming into Alta Floresta airport
Point-tailed Palmcreeper in there somewhere... there it is - hanging upside down
Sulphury Flycatcher Plain Tyrannulet
Leaving the launch area.  Saw new birds here as well.  On the Teles Pires River 
White-winged Swallows  Rio Cristalino lodge dock 
Capped Heron
There was a dying tree causing troubles with the dock, so the maintenance crew roped off the area and took it down.  Interconnecting trails
Lodge and restaurant  Lounge area and gift shop 
Very nice rooms and beautiful surroundings. The first evening, our leader lured in a Crested Owl(!)
and took this pic through his scope.
Red-throated Piping-Guan Ringed Woodpecker
White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey
Green-backed Trogon Yellow-throated Woodpecker
Dusky-cheeked Foliage-Gleaner Oscillated Poorwill
Our leaders, in front of a brazil nut tree on the brazil nut trail Several of the trails required a boat ride to the trailhead 
The next day, Tower #1 Just some tree roots
Scarlet Macaws White-browed Hawk
Red-billed Pied Tanagers Spangled Cotinga
Slender-footed Tyrannulet Black-faced Dacnis
Blue Dacnis Crowned Slaty Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird White-eyed Parakeet
Black-bellied Cuckoo Tooth-billed Wren
Black-gilded Barbet Brown-banded Puffbird
Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak Blue and yellow Macaws
Variegated Flycatcher Paradise Tanager
Turquoise Tanager Yellow-backed Tanager
Red-necked Woodpecker Golden-winged Parakeet
As far as the eye can see...
A surprise after we came down from the tower. Some Cristalino lodge guides alerted us that just down the trail were Dark-winged Trumpeters !!
Ladder-tailed Nightjar Butterflies
Black Hawk-Eagle Pale-vented Pigeon
Cattle Egret (hundreds) Rio Cristalino
Blue-headed Parrot Bay-headed Tanager
Morning view from Granite Peak Rufous-bellied Euphonia
White-browed Purpletuft
Paradise Jacamar Fiery-tailed Awlbill (check the curve on the tip of the beak)
  White-necked Puffbird
Sibilant Sirystes Blackish Nightjars
Blue-crowned Trogon Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
Santarem Parakeets Dusky-billed Parrotlet
Brown Capuchin Spider Monkey
Green Kingfisher Marcelo B and Marcelo P and the boat crew
Razor-billed Curassow Bare-necked Fruitcrow
White-bellied Parrot Red-necked Aracari
Red-throated Caracara
  Red-throated Caracara
Red-fan Parrots (two are preening each other while one watches - birds don't have envy) Flame-crested Tanager
Masked Tityra Banded Antbird - must be quiet and patient
All about Antbirds
Royal Flycatcher nest Yellow-bellied Dacnis (high in a tree along the river)
Caiman food - they're alert and fast Long-nose Bats
Tower #2 - across the river Looking up.  It's nice at the top.
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Striped Woodcreeper

Everyone talks about the insects in the jungle, but they really weren't that bad.
But I do have one big tip - Permethrin(!) See next pane ->
And a special mention fo
r Avon Skin-So-Soft Bug Guard Plus, SPF 30 - no burns and no bites on the bare arms and head.  Brought the deet but never used it.

We soaked all of our socks, pants, shirts and sprayed our shoes (follow the cautions and directions exactly - see We did not get one bite - and Mo usually gets eaten.  I was even on ground and in the leaves several times... NO bites!

Gray-breasted Martin Bat Falcon
Amazonian Umbrella Bird (Cotinga Family) This is why they called it Umbrella Bird
Spider Monkeys - mom with little one
Anhinga Quiet intensity
Sunsets along the river
After 6 nights, time to pack up and move to Alta Floresta
Floresta Amazonica Hotel
Capped Heron nest in front of the Hotel Short-tailed Hawk
Nunbirds making whoopie Flutterby
Lineated Woodpecker Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper
Chestnut-eared Aracari Lettered Aracari
Donacobius Bare-necked Fruitcrow
Bougainvillea Swallow-tailed Kite
Turquoise-fronted Parrot Crested Oropendola
White-throated Toucan Crimson-bellied Parakeet
Red and Green Macaw
Plumbeous Kite

Don't know what this one is called, but it's the same type of frog that pops up in toilets during the night in Costa Rica as well.  It leaves as secretly as it appears.

After birding the morning in the very productive forest associated with the Alta Floresta hotel, we hopped back on Azul Airlines and flew back to Cuiabá
...and on to the next and final leg of the trip - the Transpantaneira into...  The PANTANAL wetlands

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